It processes the files in order of the .anf file.  As it turns out they are
recorded on the tape in that order.  TDP for SAP will rewind and dismount
the tape if you do not have a mount point hold time on the device class.
So, if you have it set to zero, you will need to increase it a to maybe 2
minutes.  We use 5.  When running multiple sessions (multiple tape drives).
It gets more fuzzy.  I can discuss this offline with you.  And, SAN storage
agents create another wicket.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Northrop Grumman Information Technology

-----Original Message-----
From: Van Ruler, Ruud R SITI-ITDGE41 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:36 AM
Subject: backint(tdp) restore (brrestore) process


I want to get a grip on this brrestore process !!
How does it actually work  .....  what's the logic behind this process ?
Does it use the concerning *.anf file and restores the data files in
sequential order (from top to bottom)  or ... ? Does it unmount, mount the
tape for each single data file ? What if the next data file is on a
different tape ? what if you have multiple restore sessions ? can't the
process behaves in such a way that it restores all concerning file from one
tape and then moves on to the next tape  ?

Ruud van Ruler, Shell Information Technology International B.V.   - DSES-7
SAP R/3 Alliance Technical Support
ITDSES-6 Technical Information and Links page: http://pat0006/shell.htm Room
1A/G03 Dokter van Zeelandstraat 1, 2285 BD Leidschendam NL Tel : +31 (0)70 -
3034644, Fax 4011, Mobile +31 (0)6-55127646

Email Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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