Maybe I'm wrong but accounting records are for "server resources that are
used during a session"  (Admin Giude - chapter19 - Monitoring TSM Accounting
Records). So, if the client is using more than one backup  session on the
server (resourseutilization>2), you will have more than one record in the
accounting log for that client backup, e.g. for each session.
While in the Summary table is written only one record for the same backup.

Maria Ilieva

-------Original Message-------
From: Peter Duempert
Date: 06 Ōåāšóąšč 2003 17:46:10
Subject: Discrepancy between "select * from summary" and dsmaccnt.log
Hi *SM'ers,
1. if I run e.g.
dsmadmc -comma
select * from SUMMARY where activity='BACKUP' and
entity='GIVEN_NODE' and start_time>'2003-02-05 20:30:00'
and end_time<'2003-02-06 20:30:00'
I obtain the # of BACKUPs ("num_bkup") for the "GIVEN_NODE" during the
given time-interval ( i.e. 1 day )

2. if I take the corresponding records written into "dsmaccnt.log" for
the GIVEN_NODE in the same time-interval with a NON-ZERO-field-17 ( i.e.
Amount of backup files, in kilobytes, ..., see Tivoli Storage Manager for
AIX, Version 5, Rel 1, page 428) I obtain another #, say "num_acnt".

My assumption was these 2 numbers should be equal.

BUT I've cases in which "num_bkup=1017" and "num_acnt=1644" for the same
node in the same time-period, i.e. they differ significantly.

Generally I found that
num_bkup < num_acnt
Only in rare cases I found
num_bkup = num_acnt"

1. Is my assumption correct that these 2 #-s should be identical ?
2. has anyone else experienced such a behaviour ?

MfG / Ciao - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peter Dümpert Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rechenzentrum der Technischen Universität Fax : ++49/531/391-5549
D 38092 Braunschweig Tel : ++49/531/391-5535



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