Hi Humberto,

are you sure that the tape has really a label on the media?? Unfortunately
you can check in a tape without labeling it first (when using the
checklabel=barcode option for the checkin).

Check the tape out (with checklabel=no and remove=no) and try the

      label libvol ... checkin=scratch|private search=yes

command to label the tape first and then check it in.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
With best regards,
Bien amicalement,

                Dirk Billerbeck

Dirk Billerbeck
CC CompuNet AG & Co. oHG
Enterprise Computing Solutions
Am Jaegersberg 20, 24161 Altenholz (Kiel), Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 117, Fax: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 190,

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Humberto Gómez López <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 20.02.2003

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Subject: About LTO 3583

Hi I have two questions

Do anyone know how to solve this issue, after checkin in a tape, I audit
library and I keep getting this response

ANR8304E Time out error on drive MT0.2.0.3 (\\.\Tape0) in
                       library LB0.1.0.3.
02/20/2003 09:09:36   ANR8912E Unable to verify the label of volume from
                       slot-element 4096 in drive MT0.2.0.3 (\\.\Tape0) in
                       library LB0.1.0.3.
02/20/2003 09:09:36   ANR8302E I/O error on drive MT0.2.0.3 (\\.\Tape0)
                       (OP=OFFL, Error Number=21, CC=0, KEY=02, ASC=3A,





             , Description=An undetermined error has
                       occurred).  Refer to Appendix D in the 'Messages'
                       for recommended action.
02/20/2003 09:09:37   ANR8942E Could not move volume NOT KNOWN from
                       256 to slot-element 4096.
02/20/2003 09:09:38   ANR9999D mmsscsi.c(9702): ThreadId<16> Volume may
                       still be
                       in the drive MT0.2.0.3 (\\.\Tape0).
02/20/2003 09:09:38   ANR8446I Manual intervention required for library
02/20/2003 09:09:38   ANR8792E Unrecoverable drive failures on drive
                       (\\.\Tape0); drive is now taken offline.
02/20/2003 09:09:38   ANR8460E AUDIT LIBRARY process for library LB0.1.0.3
02/20/2003 09:09:38   ANR0985I Process 4 for AUDIT LIBRARY running in the
                       BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE

It always says that it can't read the label of the tape inside the drive,
but I
always have checked in the tape before (it appear on the query  libvol)
Platform: W2K, TSM, an external SDG 2108 R03 I have the lastest
firmware versions for the Library and the drives.  There is an issue that
something to do with cabling a SANDGM but I don't have a SANDGM installed
the library. Also I'm using the TSM Device Driver for the Library and the
windows drivers for the tapes.

  Another issue, that doesn't have anything with TSM, someone know how to
upgrade an LTO RMU firmware via scsi or serial?  In the proccess of
it it failed, so now I don't have RMU control know, and on the manuals it
doesn't talk about it (as long as I can see, you can only upgrade drives or
library firmware through this process)

  Thanks in advance.

Humberto Gómez
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

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