I did a 'q vol acc=unavailable' and found 4 tapes in my little 3583 library.
Each tape showed errors, 9, 9, 216, and 1 respectively.
Then I did a 'q vol acc=destoyed' and found 2 tapes, with 53 and 0 errors
reported respectively.  These two tapes show that
some files are on them.

I really have all the tapes, and all the unavailable ones are in the
library.  The two destroyed ones were pulled out an marked
destroyed out of frustration several weeks ago.

Any suggestions on how I should clean this up, an hopefully recover some

Thanks In Advance! ... Jack

Oh yes, my config:
TSM server 4.2 on Win2K, IBM 3583 library with 6 SCSI attached lto drives on
3 controllers, 60 slots, and a 12 slot door.  The library is set up for
autoclean, and has 3 cleaning tapes in it.

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