I just upgraded from an ATL P3000 (329 slots) to an ATL P7000 (399
slots) which was on new hardware, and my upgrade path was to do a
database restore. I never had any problem seeing the new slots.

The term "stored statically in the database" is slippery. Some things
are, and some are not, and some things that appear to be, are
overwritten when you do a restore, but others are not. I'm just not sure
which is which.

For instance, after completing the restore, I had to delete and redefine
all my drives, but not the library itself.

Have I made this perfectly muddy for you?

Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               Academic Computing & Communications Center

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Kelly J. Lipp wrote:

>Does anyone know the how the following works for sure:
>During library definition a read element status command is sent to the
>library to help the definition process.  Is a read element status then
>issued during each subsequent library initialization (at startup) or is this
>information stored statically in the database?
>The specific case I'm curious about is when slots are added to a library.
>Will TSM detect these new slots as part of the initialization or will a
>library re-definition be required?
>I have seen a case where a simple restart detected the new slots and I have
>also seen the case where a re-definition was required.
>What is really happening?  Clearly this is for the engineers.
>Kelly J. Lipp
>STORServer, Inc.
>485-B Elkton Drive
>Colorado Springs, CO 80907
>www.storsol.com or www.storserver.com
>Fax: (240)539-7175

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