
Here's our perl script.. Easy as perl is most likely to be installed on your
Not that this script is not 100% fool proof, but at that time it was a 10
min effort
and still works like a charm. And as is with any other perl pgm, there are
more ways...
This script now in the public domain...
Fill in your own OPERATORID and PASSWD....

#replies to checkin script

system("tput clear");
print "About to checkin scratch tapes, please wait ... \n";
sleep 3;
print "\n";
open(libraries, 'dsmadmc -commadelimited -id=OPERATORID -pass=PASSWD q libr
| grep SCSI |');

while (<libraries>) {
$l=$_; chomp($l);
  @record=split(/,/, $l);

close libraries;

system("dsmadmc -id=OPERATORID -pass=PASSWD checkin libv $libname
search=bulk status=scratch >> /dev/null");
sleep 3;
print "\n";
open(libraries, 'dsmadmc -consolemode -commadelimited -id=OPERATORID
-pass=PASSWD |');
while (<libraries>) {
  $l=$_; chomp($l);
  @actlog=split(/ /, $l);
  if (($actlog[0] eq "ANR8373I") and ($actlog[9] eq "$libname")) {
    system("dsmadmc -id=OPERATORID -pass=PASSWD reply $replyid >
  if (($actlog[0] eq "ANR0987I") or ($actlog[0] eq "ANR0985I")) {
    print "$l\n";

Marcel Anthonijsz


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