Hi Richard!
That's a good one! I have had the AIX people check the .profile of the user
which started TSM (through SU2) but no overruling of $TZ could be found
there. Even though I think it has to be something like you mentioned.
Do you know if there is a way to display the environment of a running
Thanks for your reply!
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 13:11
Subject: Re: Server time

>Last weekend my server crashed. It was restarted yesterday morning and I
>discovered that the TSM time is off by -1 hour since.
>If I issue the DATE command in AIX I receive the correct time. I issued the
>ACCEPT DATE command in TSM, but it doesn't help: TSM stays one hour behind.

Eric - In that the server was restarted under unusual circumstances,
       manually, it may have been done from someone's home directory session
where a bogus TZ environment variable was in effect.  SHow TIME may give
clues to this.  I don't know if you can do anything other than restart the
server under correct settings.  (Also watch out for Unix Resource Limits
constrained when a server is manually restarted, which can cause the writing
of large files to fail and performance to suffer.)

  Richard Sims, BU

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