I tend to agree.  I even go so far as to use the term "Business Backup" for
the daily
backup, to try to help my user base understand the difference.  Business
is to recover from a hardware failure or an accidental file erasure in the
last week.
Anything longer term than that is for business reasons other than business
support.  I have no problem with supporting the 'archival' functions, let's
just define it
as such and use the appropriate technology to do that!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ford, Phillip [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 12:52 PM
> Subject:      Re: progressive backup vs. full + incremental
> I am going to stick my foot in my mouth but here goes.  I do not feel that
> 3
> months ago, 9 months ago, or 7 years ago are backups.  These are archives.
> We have the problem here that the higher ups tend to think of archives as
> backups.  We try to define backups for short term retrieval of data.  Like
> I
> accidentally deleted my home directory could you restore it? Sometimes
> short
> term may be up to a year or more.  Our performance data is an example.
> Auditing and other long term purposes are not backups but archives.  Since
> TSM has both then use the proper one for the proper purpose.  Also TSM has
> backup sets which could be used for either purpose.
> Sorry but that is my 2 cents worth.
> --
> Phillip Ford
> Senior Software Specialist
> Corporate Computer Center
> Schering-Plough Corp.
> (901) 320-4462
> (901) 320-4856 FAX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Rosette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 12:31 PM
> Subject: Re: progressive backup vs. full + incremental
> My question to you would be, could you do a restore, say 3 months ago, or
> 9
> months ago?  How do you keep files longer than the versions on the active
> database.  Our Month End fulls will keep us current for our Auditing
> purposes.
> Thank You,
> Bill Rosette
> Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International
>                       Roger Deschner
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:
>                       Sent by: "ADSM:          cc:
>                       Dist Stor                Subject:  Re: progressive
> backup vs. full + incremental
>                       Manager"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       .EDU>
>                       03/07/2003 01:21
>                       PM
>                       Please respond to
>                       "ADSM: Dist Stor
>                       Manager"
> We had an actual disaster last spring. An 80 gigabyte Unix file system
> that
> contained all of our email became corrupted. This node was being backed up
> both by TSM (with collocation, as this is obviously a critical node), and
> by
> old-fashioned full+incremental backups.
> We had a restore race. TSM lost, but not by much. Close enough to call it
> a
> tie, and we were very pleasantly surprised that it was this close. 3:45
> for
> TSM, versus 3:15 for the old-fashioned restore. If we could plan all our
> disasters for the day after the full backup, like this one was, the
> full+incremental method would always win. But by day 6 of the weekly
> cycle,
> TSM would become considerably faster.
> With a full+differential scheme, restore time might be faster, but
> differential backups are so much more costly to make. By the end of the
> cycle, a differential backup could practically be a full backup. Consider
> all those unnecessary copies of a file that changed only once, on day 1 of
> the cycle.
> In theory, the worst case without collocation is that a node's files could
> be scattered over all the tapes in your library. In practice, that is not
> the case. I'm not sure why, but I think that migration and reclamation at
> least make an effort not to make the scattering any worse. Larger disk
> storage pools definitely help reduce the scattering.
> I completely agree with Don France about taking the time to accurately
> separate your nodes by criticality. We do this, using exactly his
> three-tiered scheme.
> The key to TSM's progressive backup scheme is that it is totally
> database-driven. Don't try to circumvent it by imposing periodic full
> backups on it - TSM _ALWAYS_ has a full backup of each node! Every day,
> not
> just on the day after your full backup. It's in the database. This,
> however,
> takes a slight "leap of faith" for us who were brought up in the
> full+incremental cycles of mainframe days. It's easier if you forget about
> individual tape volumes, and consider your entire tape library and its
> robot
> to be one huge tape.
> Do away with those full backups, and your tape drive bandwidth and
> database
> size problems should be significantly reduced. What is the purpose of a
> full
> backup? To reduce restore time in a disaster. You're better off achieving
> that goal with 1) collocation for the most critical nodes, and 2) TSM
> Database disk tuning. That's how TSM earned a virtual tie in the restore
> race in my actual disaster.
> Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                Academic Computing & Communications Center
> On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, William Rosette wrote:
> >I agree with A), B) I'm not sure about the "consolidating the tape
> mounts",
> >could be my DIRMC for NT file servers are off.  On the (suppose C)) I
> >am trying to implement but I am having trouble with Month Ends.
> >Currently we have 117 nodes and 31 maximum days in a month.  I run 2
> >backupsets that
> use
> >4 tape drives giving 6 left for daily and nightly operations.  Each
> >backupset takes about 24 hours and is getting longer because of
> >nocollocation and reclamation spreading the information further out.
> >What I want to do is reduce my storage pools to criticality (my own
> >word haha) and also Do Monthly Absolute backups.  Problem is disk space
> >will double
> on
> >the database side.  Backupset minimum impact on DB where Monthly
> >Absolute (same as full) increases DB considerable, especially 117 x 12
> >months.  I
> am
> >having a hard time convincing the upper powers that the criticality and
> >Monthly Absolutes are the best way.
> >
> >Thank You,
> >Bill Rosette
> >Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International
> >
> >
> >
> >                      DFrance
> >                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
> >                      NET>                     cc:
> >                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  Re: progressive
> backup vs. full + incremental
> >                      Dist Stor
> >                      Manager"
> >                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                      .EDU>
> >
> >
> >                      03/06/2003 03:09
> >                      PM
> >                      Please respond to
> >                      "ADSM: Dist Stor
> >                      Manager"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >A)  The speed of new tape drives (eg, 9840 & 3590) with their mid-point
> >load mostly mitigates the restore speed issue;  even IBM's LTO or STK's
> >9940 seem to be sufficiently fast, they're more like the speed of disk
> >of just a few years ago;
> >
> >B) TSM further mitigates restore speed by consolidating the tape mounts
> for
> >a given restore -- provided you properly implement DIRMC for your NT
> >
> >If you cannot tolerate collocation, consider smaller storage pools,
> >organized by mission-critical vs. production vs. non-prod/desktops...
> >personally, I've found that when a customer takes the time to properly
> >identify his mission-critical servers (from a file-system recovery
> >perspective), collocation is needed for less than 20% of the "farm"!
> >And, for the business-critical servers (if that different than
> "mission-critical
> >for file-system recovery), it's more appropriate to use HACMP solution
> >(possibly, in concert with collocation).
> >
> >Hope this helps!
> >
> >
> >Don France
> >Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
> >Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
> >San Jose, Ca
> >(408) 257-3037
> >mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (change aye to a for replies)
> >
> >Professional Association of Contract Employees
> >(P.A.C.E. -- www.pacepros.com)
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> >William Rosette
> >Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:22 AM
> >Subject: Re: progressive backup vs. full + incremental
> >
> >
> >This progressive incremental confuses me.  This is what I thought was
> going
> >on:
> >
> >1. Differential is all changes from last FULL backup.
> >2. Incremental is all changes from last ANY backup
> >3. Full is all files not matter change on backup.
> >
> >We used to do Differential with Weekend Fulls.  During a restore we
> >would restore Full if file had not changed, and then the last
> >differential for the other files that changed.  We never restored more
> >than necessary.  It depended on the restore.  Restore 1 file was the
> >same on Differential as Incremental (most current or before
> >corruption).  The problem comes when you are restoring directories or a
> >whole system as in DR.  In the Differential Weekend Full world you
> >would restore Full and lay on top the last Differential and your done.
> >Always 2 restores was all and restores flew since data was all
> >together.
> >
> >Now the TSM world has its own database with its own reclamation,
> >expiration, migration, collocation, and the works. Come restoring 1
> >file
> it
> >is the same as above.  Come restoring directories or whole systems it
> >will depend where all the data is.  Our case, if the restore is not far
> >back we have a quick restore, but the further back we go in date the
> >slower the restore because of the no-collocation and the data is spread
> >over 100's of tapes.  This seems to be the same as an Incremental that
> >the TSM database keeps track of every file from every tape.
> >
> >Thus, the reason we did not use Incrementals before was 1. Restores
> >were long, 2. No database to keep track of all Incremental tapes, 3.
> >Differential & Full used less tapes, and 4. money.  I am still dealing
> with
> >the progressive incremental that progressively eats resources/money.
> >My suggestion would be for reclamations to reclaim to a collocate
> >status or somehow keeping the data together as it gets older.  Right
> >now I am probably going to run FULLs just to keep my restores to a
> >minimum since
> the
> >tape issue will hurt us if we collocate
> >
> >If I am off, I would appreciate anyone that can straighten out my
> >backups/restores.
> >
> >Thank You,
> >Bill Rosette
> >Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International
> >
> >
> >
> >                      Gianluca Mariani1
> >                      <gianluca_mariani@        To:
> >                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                      IT.IBM.COM>               cc:
> >                      Sent by: "ADSM:           Subject:  Re: progressive
> >                      backup vs. full + incremental
> >                      Dist Stor Manager"
> >                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                      EDU>
> >
> >
> >                      03/05/2003 09:47
> >                      AM
> >                      Please respond to
> >                      "ADSM: Dist Stor
> >                      Manager"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Progressive incremental backs up only new or changed files.  during the
> >initial backup the client  backs up all eligible files of course(full
> >backup). Subsequently, files are backed up again only if they are new
> >or have changed since the last backup. In TSMs case, a pointer to each
> version
> >of every file for every client is kept  in the database , so there is
> >no need for another full backup. When  you  need to restore, you can
> >choose the specific version of the
> file
> >or  point-in-time  to  restore,  and TSM will restore only  that
> particular
> >file or files. The approach used for full + incremental backups
> (NetBackup)
> >requires  an  initial  full  backup,  followed  by  regular
> >incremental
> or
> >differential  backups (usually once a day), with the complete cycle
> needing
> >a  full  backup  to  be  repeated on a regular (usually weekly) basis.
> This
> >backup  method  results in redundant weekly full backups of files that
> have
> >not  changed,  wasting  both  network  and  media resources. The
> multi-step
> >restore  process in this approach requires the software to restore the
> last
> >full  backup,  then to restore  incremental or differential backups  on
> top
> >of  that   in  order  to  recover the latest version of a file or an
> entire
> >system.  This  methodology  not  only involves restoring more data, it
> also
> >means  more  tape  mounts  and  tape  positioning and consumes more
> network
> >bandwidth all of which amounts to having longer restore times.
> >
> >
> >
> >Cordiali saluti
> >Gianluca Mariani
> >Tivoli TSM Global Response Team, Roma
> >Via Sciangai 53, Roma
> > phones : +39(0)659664598
> >                   +393351270554 (mobile) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy says  of the Sirius Cybernetics
> >Corporation product that "it is very easy to be blinded to the
> >essential uselessness of  them by the sense of achievement you get from
> >getting them to work at all. In other words ? and this is the rock
> >solid principle  on which the  whole  of the Corporation's Galaxy-wide
> >success is founded -their fundamental design flaws are  completely
> >hidden  by  their superficial design flaws"...
> >
> >
> >
> >             Joni Moyer
> >             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >             HMARK.COM>
> To
> >             Sent by: "ADSM:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >             Dist Stor
> cc
> >             Manager"
> >             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> bcc
> >             ST.EDU>
> >
> Subject
> >                                    progressive backup vs. full +
> >             05/03/2003             incremental
> >             15.21
> >
> >
> >             Please respond
> >             to "ADSM: Dist
> >              Stor Manager"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Hello everyone!
> >
> >I was wondering why the full + incremental would result in a longer
> restore
> >time than the progressive backup methodology?  From several co-workers
> >point of view they thought that it would be quicker on the full +
> >incremental because you wouldn't have to go back to the beginning
> >backups of the file and restore all of the incrementals, you would just
> >go back to the most recent full backup and apply the incrementals after
> >that point. When I went to explain the reasoning behind this, I had
> >some problems understanding the concept myself, so I was hoping someone
> >could explain both methods and why they differ in restore time and why
> >progressive is better than the full + incremental.  Thank you so much
> >for any help you
> can
> >lend on this matter!
> >
> >
> >
> >Joni Moyer
> >Systems Programmer
> >(717)975-8338
> >
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