it is quite normal for device names to be different when you use library
you only have to define the path on the management server for the client, you
dont have to define  drives on the client.
On the client you only have to make sure that the name for the library is the
same as for the manager, i.e. Manager library1, client has to be library1. No
paths for the library are defined on the client. No path for the client is
defined on the manager for the library the client wants to use. No drives are
defined on the client.

for example,
Library is an ADIC100 (3583?)
Manager is 5.1.xx W2k server library device is lb0.2.0.4
Manager drive device is mt0.2.0.5

Client is AIX 5.1 TSM 5.1.xx library device is lb0
Client drive device is rmt5

Define server to server communication, follow the manual
Define lib as shared on manager, define library adic100 libt=scsi shared=yes
define path on manager, define path w2k adic100 srctype=server desttype=library
define drive on manager, define drive adic100 ltodrive1 element=256

define lib on client, define library adic100 libt=shared primarylibmanager=w2k

On the manager define the drives to the client, define path AIX5.1 ltodrive1
srctype=server desttype=drive library=adic100 device=/dev/rmt5 online=YES
Thats all, works well for us.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Markus Veit

                                                An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
                                                Thema:   Tape sharing - how does TSM 
handle duplicate device file names                
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                        
              Received :  18.03.2003                                                   
              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:                                                
              Dist Stor Manager"                                                       

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We currently have two TSM environments at separate sites.

Each environment has a SAN connected 3494/3590  (via a MacData Switch and two
SDG's). Both TSM environments are isolated within separate zones. This
segregation means that both environments have the same drive and path
configurations defined to TSM (eg DRV0 = /dev/rmt/0stc)

We would now like to invoke library sharing so to automagically write our copy
pools and database backups offsite.

When I combine the two zones,  both server will discover another 8 3590 drives
and will build the special device files.   Now I would have the situation where
the physical drive on the 'managing server' will know the OS as /dev/rmt/0stc
and the 'client' it will be /dev/rmt/8stc  etc etc.

Will this cause an issue with the sharing functionality. In other words, does
the  special file( ie path definition in TSM)  to physical hardware association
need to be in sync. If it does not matter, how does the managing server tell the
client server where the media it requested has been mounted.

Peter Griffin
Sydney Water

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