I suspect your immediate action ran 7 hours later because your node is
using POLLING schedmode and you have randomization set to 50%. Immediate
action schedules are defined with a huge starting window, so although I
don't typically use POLLING, I've never understood how it would ever
work for those nodes (should be called "eventual" action schedule :-) ).

The job failed because of the commas in your objects list.  Just type it
exactly as you would on the command line. And all you need is "C:\   D:\
 G:\"  - the asterix is not necessary, but shouldn't hurt.

Most importantly however is why you think you need to do this in the
first place. Unless you have excessively large ACL's on your
directories, they are stored entirely in the TSM database.  They didn't
used to many versions ago, so what you are setting up used to be valid.
If this is your situation, then great!

I'm assuming that most people today only use DIRMC to avoid binding to a
management class that has NOLIMIT for object retonly.
Does anyone else out there use DIRMC?

Todd Lundstedt wrote:

I have recently setup a Directory Management Class, some server-side Client
Option Sets pointing DIRMC to that management class, and assigned those
option sets to nodes.  So now, all new/changed directories should be being
managed by that management class (disk based storage, no migration, etc.).
I can see that going to each node and issuing a
dsmc selective -dirsonly -subdir=yes c:\* g:\*
and any other drives that exist will re-backup versions of all directories
on the listed disk drives.

But, that's a lot of work.
So I tried an immediate action schedule on one of the servers.
Action = Selective
Options = -dirsonly -subdir=yes
Objects = c:\*,d:\*,g:\*

and that immediate action schedule finally tried to run 7 hours later, and
didn't work.

Is there anything I can do from the server to kick off a -dirsonly
-subdir=yes backup of ALL existing drives in a list of nodes?  From what I
am gathering, the selective backup requires a filespace and I have not been
able to get *:\* to work yet.  Or, do I need to even worry about this?  My
intention was to (eventually) get all backup versions of directory objects
off of tape and stored only on disk.

Thanks in advance.

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