You need to install from Client CD.At the same time we have to check for
License purchase and autorisation in TSM.You might have got Mannual on

In spite of all this what else problem are you having.

Please check /etc/system for proper parameters.

* Setting for TSM

set lwp_default_stksize=0x4000

Balanand Pinni

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: TSM 5.1 Client Install on Sun Solaris - Help Please

Hi Tivoliworld,

I am not a Unix Person, so I can't understand why my Unix people are having
trouble getting TSM Client installed on some Sun boxes.  My unix knowledge
is about 6 commands, but I can edit files due to my VMS background (the
basic editor is very similar to Digital kit 20+ years ago).

Does anyone have a brief document which makes the task idiot proof... I
really need to show these people that they are being silly!!! (or are they?)

Also, What can I expect to see... I understand that the Unix TSM environment
is not as good as NT/W2K.

The alternative is to get a consultant in... expensive and hard to justify.

Can anyone help please... ???

Many Thanks

  Tony Morgan


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