Your plan is extremely ambitious.
Is this a one off or are are you planning to do this regularly.
How are you goung to achieve this.
Anyway you can get a reasonable idea from taking the filepace occupancy, unless
you have major excludes from backup, this is going to be your active file size.

Graham Trigge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/13/2003 10:35:24

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSE)
Subject:  Estimating size of backup sets


Is there anyway people know of to estimate how large a backupset is going
to be? I have close to 700 nodes I want to generate backupsets for and I
want to know
what sort of space I will be using up with them. I am assuming it will be
some sort of SQL statement looking at active files, but I can't figure it
out past that.

Any help would be appreciated.



Graham Trigge
IT Technical Specialist
Server Support
Telstra Australia

Phone: (02) 9882 5831
Fax:      (02) 9882 5993
Mobile: 0409 654 434

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