Hey TSMers-

We have archive jobs that repeatedly fail or run for long periods of time on
our large file servers (200 GB, NT, TSM 4.2 Client, TSM 4.2 Server). The
jobs will not run in parallel with daily backups- so we are looking for a
better solution-

We are considering moving from 100 Mb to Gigabit, and possibly creating a
separate schedule/nodename for archive processing. Also- since archive
retentions are going to dramatically increase due to regulatory rules, we
are considering implementing a dedicated Archive processing TSM server-
mainly to avoid bloating the TSM databases which currently handle

All thoughts or tips are welcome on these ideas--

Many Thanks,


From: Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: archive failure
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:57:41 -0700

If you are referring to the ARCHIVE_DIR and ARCHIVE_INCLUDES variables,
you won't find anything in the TSM doc about these. These are arbitrary
environment variables created by your user.

After the environment variables were created, was the scheduler restarted
so that it would pick them up? Also, have you confirmed that these are
indeed system (and not user) variables? If they are user variables, then
unless the scheduler is using the same account, the scheduler's
environment won't have these defined.

If none of the above addresses the issue, then you can modify the script
to include some diagnostics. My suggestion:

   @echo off
   set diagfile=c:\diagfile.txt

   REM *** Confirm environment variables
   echo *** ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES *** > %diagfile%
   set >> %diagfile%

   REM *** Confirm current directory
   echo *** CURRENT DIRECTORY *** >> %diagfile%
   cd >> %diagfile%

cd /d "%ARCHIVE_DIR%"

   REM *** Confirm current directory
   echo *** TSM DIRECTORY *** >> %diagfile%
   cd >> %diagfile%

   REM *** Run the archive
   echo *** RUNNING ARCHIVE COMMAND NOW *** >> %diagfile%
   dsmc archive %ARCHIVE_INCLUDES% -subdir=yes -archmc=month-mgt >>
%diagfile% 2>&1
   set tsmrc=%errorlevel%
   echo *** ARCHIVE COMPLETE RC = %tsmrc% *** >> %diagfile%

Let the scheduler run the command, then check c:\diagfile.txt to see what
it shows.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i to reply)

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

Someone here has gone off and created their own cmd file that TSM launches
to do an archive. I can't seem to find anything in the help file on these
variables. Maybe someone more familiar with variables can please tell me
this will work. From what I can tell looking at the return codes it looks
like it is saying it found nothing to backup and reports a failure.

I'm told if they run this cmd file manually from the server it works. Why
then would TSM have a problem with it when all it's doing is calling the
same file?

MonthArchive.cmd chdir /D "%ARCHIVE_DIR%" dsmc.exe archive -subdir=yes -archmc=month-mgt %ARCHIVE_INCLUDES%

System Variables

dsmerror.log excerpt 02/01/2003 17:59:14 ANS1079E No file specification entered 02/01/2003 17:59:15 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed. 02/01/2003 17:59:15 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NOTES-MONTH' failed. Return code = 12

dsmsched.log excerpt 01/31/2003 19:26:20 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN 01/31/2003 19:26:20 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Next operation scheduled: 01/31/2003 19:26:20 ------------------------------------------------------------ 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Schedule Name: NOTES-MONTH 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Action: Command 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Objects: c:\commands\MonthArchive.cmd 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Options: 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Server Window Start: 18:00:00 on 02/01/2003 01/31/2003 19:26:20 ------------------------------------------------------------ 01/31/2003 19:26:20 Waiting to be contacted by the server. 02/01/2003 17:59:12 TCP/IP accepted connection from server. 02/01/2003 17:59:12 Querying server for next scheduled event. 02/01/2003 17:59:12 Node Name: CP-ITS-NOTESMTA 02/01/2003 17:59:12 Session established with server ADSM: AIX-RS/6000 02/01/2003 17:59:12 Server Version 5, Release 1, Level 5.2 02/01/2003 17:59:12 Server date/time: 02/01/2003 18:00:24 Last access: 01/31/2003 19:27:32

02/01/2003 17:59:12 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY BEGIN
02/01/2003 17:59:12 --- SCHEDULEREC QUERY END
02/01/2003 17:59:12 Next operation scheduled:
02/01/2003 17:59:12
02/01/2003 17:59:12 Schedule Name:         NOTES-MONTH
02/01/2003 17:59:12 Action:                Command
02/01/2003 17:59:12 Objects:               c:\commands\MonthArchive.cmd
02/01/2003 17:59:12 Options:
02/01/2003 17:59:12 Server Window Start:   18:00:00 on 02/01/2003
02/01/2003 17:59:12
02/01/2003 17:59:12
Executing scheduled command now.
02/01/2003 17:59:12
Executing Operating System command or script:
02/01/2003 17:59:15 Finished command.  Return code is: 12
02/01/2003 17:59:15 ANS1909E The scheduled command failed.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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