---------------------------- Top of message ----------------------------
>>--> 04-04-03  09:12  S.SHEPPARD     (SHS)    Re: TSM on Mainframe

I have a similar situation as Brian.  250 clients, running
servers on both a 9672-R52 and 9672-R14 which will be replaced with a
z/800 0C1 in the next few months.  I'm sole support for tape, dasd,
OS/390 as well as TSM and, for the most part, everything runs very

Joe's problems seem to be with the structure of his organization and
its charging mechanisms more than any TSM peculiarities on OS/390.  For
instance, I doubt that most mainframe shops IPL anywhere near as
frequently as his does. Once every couple of months or even less is
probably more like it.

It's pretty obvious from the number of items on this list related to
tape libraries and tape management in general, that this is a big
problem on other platforms.  Running on OS/390 you NEVER have any of
those kinds of things to worry about.

Sam Sheppard
San Diego Data Processing Corp.

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>>--> 04-04-03  08:38  ..NETMAIL     ()     Re: TSM on Mainframe
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 11:27:25 -0500
From: "Brian L. Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: TSM on Mainframe


 We are in a much different situation. Staffing required for TSM server
support of 200 clients 1, staffing for mainframe tape and dasd support 1.
Actually it's just me. We are only backing up about 300gb a night but we
have tuned our system to accommodate TSM and control the CPU that is
consumes. As you know charge back is different from organization to
organization so our charge out for CPU is kinda funny money.

 In any event I still feel that AIX is a better fit for our TSM environment
although we have not been able to cost justify it yet, but we are still
working in it.

Brian L. Nick
Systems Technician - Storage Solutions
The Phoenix Companies Inc.
100 Bright Meadow Blvd
Enfield CT. 06082-1900

PHONE:   (860)403-2281

                   "Wholey, Joseph
                   (IDS DM&DS)"           To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:
                   GE.ML.COM>             Subject:     Re: TSM on Mainframe
                   Sent by: "ADSM:
                   Dist Stor
                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                   04/04/03 09:30
                   Please respond
                   to "ADSM: Dist
                   Stor Manager"


In my situation, I'm getting charged for MIPS usage on the mainframe as
well as staff employees that support the mainframe.  The tape issue turns
out to be a wash for us since we'd use the same tape
libs.  DASD you're paying for in either case.
We did the same exact eval that you're doing right now.  Initially it
seemed like a "no brainer".  We had spare MIPS on the frame and figured,
why not use them.  Once we started using them, the
complaints/bills started flying.  Complaints due to the large amount of
MIPS TSM consumes, the bill for the MIPS usage.  Even though they're spare
MIPS, we still get charged for them (again, internal
funny money).
Money aside, the staffing and maintenance schedule is enough to keep me off
the mainframe.  But, as always, each decision has to be based on your
companies core competencies, budget and hardware
availability.  And finally, If I were starting from scratch, AIX
implementation hands down.

Regards, Joe

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian L. Nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: TSM on Mainframe

Not exactly. We are currently running TSM on a 9672-R44 running
OS/390 2.10 and we have been doing an evaluation on moving TSM from OS/390
on to AIX. While the cost of the AIX hardware is relatively cheap we still
need to incur DASD costs in the form of SAN and Tape costs, not to mention
the need to develop cron jobs on AIX to handle tape processing , on OS/390
you do not have to define volumes, drives or the library to TSM. Also we
found that the licensing costs of TSM itself on AIX were actually higher
than the mainframe costs. Granted we are tied into tape media (STK 9840)
and our management is not looking to replace that media but even if we did
the cost is still slightly higher for us on AIX.

Brian L. Nick
Systems Technician - Storage Solutions
The Phoenix Companies Inc.
100 Bright Meadow Blvd
Enfield CT. 06082-1900

PHONE:   (860)403-2281

                   "Wholey, Joseph
                   (IDS DM&DS)"           To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:
                   GE.ML.COM>             Subject:     Re: TSM on Mainframe
                   Sent by: "ADSM:
                   Dist Stor
                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                   04/03/03 03:10
                   Please respond
                   to "ADSM: Dist
                   Stor Manager"

Bad... total cost of ownership is too high.  Too many fingers in the pie
(tape group, dasd group, TCPIP group, operations etc...  When you begin to
figure out total cost of ownership, you have to add
all of these support teams into the equation, not to mention the internal
charge (funny money) for MIPS usage on the mainframe that you'll incur. TSM
will also be at the mercy of the mainframe IPL
schedule as well, which typically is on Saturday night into Sunday morning
(a window that you really want open for your large archives or db backups)

If you're on any other platform, your costs should drop significantly.
e.g.  If you have a P690, you have 1 SA managing that server.  You don't
need nearly the staff that you'd require for a
mainframe solution.  How often does an AIX or Sun machine have to be taken
down for maintenance? (not often).  And finally, a P690's I/O is comparable
to a mainframes.

If you get the budget, go with a big Unix system.  Run screaming from the
mainframe solution.  You'll save a lot of headaches and meetings.  Just my

Regards, Joe
-----Original Message-----
From: Spearman, Wayne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: TSM on Mainframe

We do. It works fine for us, but we are migrating off to Unix for D.R.

-----Original Message-----
From: LeBlanc, Patricia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:02 PM
Subject: TSM on Mainframe

Does anyone out there use TSM on a mainframe?

Good?  Bad?  Indifferent??



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