I have been able to install the 5.1.5 server on Redhat 9 (yesterday, hence
my post about the missing portions of the install).

The part that gets installed seems to work - so far.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch Sako [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Linux Server Distributions

The current TSM server for Linux is supported on the following

Red Hat 7.2 on ia32 architecture
Kernel levels:  2.4.9-31 (for uniprocessor systems)
                2.4.9-31smp (for multiprocessors systems)

Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 on ia32 architecture
Kernel levels: 2.4.9-e.8 (for uniprocessor systems)
               2.4.9-e.8enterprise (for multiprocessor systems)

SuSE Enterprise Server 7 on  ia32 architecture
Kernel levels -  2.4.18-4GB  release 231 (for uniprocessor systems)
                 2.4.18-64GB-SMP release 231 (for multiprocessors systems)

Anyone know when these choices are going to be updated, especially the first
one?  RH72 using 2.4.9-31 is driving me crazy trying to get it to run on
modern hardware correctly (i.e. IBM X-series x335, x235, x345) on some
hardware I have.  AS2.1 does not work correctly and has too many issues and
can't seem to find a coherent source for SuSE ES7 (reasonable cost,
considering it's an experiment and I may have to throw it away, too).

Regarding the first choice, I really don't mind using RH72 but I do mind
that broken kernel.  It's just causing too many headaches with reliability.
The current RH72 errata installs a 2.4.20 version of Redhat's and I think
would be a better choice.

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