When you do a server to server export the data ends up in your archive
storage pool as a single file.  If for some reason the export fails before
completion you lose everything.  We had some rather large nodes that we
exported that took upwards of 10 to 15 hours.  We would occasionally have
network problems that would require us to start from scratch.  To get
around the problem we started doing the exports by filespace.
Jim Sporer

At 04:07 PM 6/2/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I am now on my fourth attempt to do an EXPORT NODE to SERVER, from my zOS
TSM server ( to our AIX TSM server (

The reason I am on my fourth attempt is that it seems to
quit/drop-dead/whatever for no apparent reason I can fathom.

The last attempt, while the final status said "SUCCESSFULL", further
digging for an error message found one that said "INCOMPLETE" (not sure
why a previous "failure" still registers as "successfull" but I am not
concerned about this, right now).

Eventhough each attempt seems to move some data, nothing seems to appear
on the receiving end.

My question(s):

1.   Where is the stuff being imported/exported going if it doesn't seem
to appear on the other end ?
2.   If it actually does send some files across and I run the EXPORT
again, does it just skip the files previously sent ?????
3.   What if an *EXACT* copy of the file(s) I am export/importing already
exists on the receiving end ?  Does it ignore it ?

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