Is Virus Scanning Running on OutBound Files? Also verify that the Clinet Nic is Not 
Set to Auto Negotiate or the Switch port its connected to.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Canan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: Node very very slow for incremental backup

I would not change the TCPWINDOWSIZE for this client - 63 is what we
recommend for this platform.

The trace you sent indicates a large percentage of time being spent (97%)
in the process dirs category. This category represents the amount of time
spent inspecting directories and files before any backups occur. Journaling
in this case definitely would help reduce the maount of time for the
backup. Additional questions:

1. Are there any "deep" directory structures that have recently been
introduced on the system?
2. Have there recently been any new applications added to the box that have
added substantially to the number of files on the box?

Look into journaling - it will definitely help.

At 08:43 PM 6/3/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>You may want to change your TCPWindowSize   from 63 to 1024
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "David Rigaudiere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 3:36 PM
>Subject: Node very very slow for incremental backup
>Hi *SMers,
>I have a probleme whit a node.
>Client WinNT
>Server  AIX
>This node is very very slow to backups.
>14H for less 6GB !! (1H is a normal backup time)
>The sysadmins said "no change on this node"
>I can't find where is the probleme, the node
>spent a lot of time to browse files and directories.
>A performance analyse when node is backuping does not
>show a bottleneck (memory, CPU, I/O ...)
>I tested a selective or big restore, without problem.
>(Data transfer rate: 10,000 to 12,000 KB/sec)
>Maybee I must install journal based backup but "yesterday"
>it worked perfectly without it...
>you're my only hope, do you have an idea ?
>dsm.opt :
>TCPWindowSize    63
>TCPBuffSize      31
>TCPNodelay       YES
>SubDir           YES
>Compression      YES
>CompressAlways   NO
>SchedMode        Polling      * (behind Firewall)
>It is a session report :
>Total number of objects inspected:  192,386
>Total number of objects backed up:    2,221
>Total number of objects updated:          8
>Total number of objects rebound:          0
>Total number of objects deleted:          0
>Total number of objects expired:        523
>Total number of objects failed:           0
>Total number of bytes transferred:     5.89 GB
>Data transfer time:                1,416.29 sec
>Network data transfer rate:        4,362.30 KB/sec
>Aggregate data transfer rate:        119.69 KB/sec
>Objects compressed by:                   15%
>Elapsed processing time:            14:20:17
>and a trace report :
>Section Total    Time(sec)    Average Time(msec)    Frequency used
>Client Setup         0.344                344.0                  1
>Process Dirs     50292.881               2250.6              22346
>Solve Tree           0.000                  0.0                  0
>Compute              2.677                  0.0             304175
>Transaction         46.145                  0.0             938009
>BeginTxn Verb        0.047                  0.1                508
>File I/O           164.261                  0.7             241799
>Compression        372.440                  2.3             164443
>Encryption           0.000                  0.0                  0
>Delta                0.000                  0.0                  0
>Data Verb            0.297                  8.3                 36
>Confirm Verb         0.297                  8.3                 36
>EndTxn Verb        541.249               1065.5                508
>Client Cleanup       2.735               2735.0                  1
>David  Rigaudiere  -+-  Administration  TSM  -+-
>Paris -+- 40, rue de Courcelles -+- 4e itage -+-
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- 01.5621.7802
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Dave Canan
TSM Performance
IBM Advanced Technical Support

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