After giving it some thought, I figure you have two choices.  

1.  If your OLD Copypool is sequential then you could sort by the oldest written date and move the data from each cartridge to the NEW Copypool.  That way, data that should be expired, would be once it was with the rest of the copypool data.  This will take awhile but it should work, though I may be wrong.  You have to be careful with data in OLD Copypools because the data could belong to an old node that while it may no longer be in use, there are still file spaces associated with it that may needed to be restored at some time.  Your new Copypool may not have the same data in it, especially if it's from a retired node.

2.  Make sure the properties of the OLD Copypool (storagepool itself) is updated to unavailable and just let the data expire on it's own until it is empty.  The data in the Old copypool can still be associated with management classes that the New Copypool knows nothing about.  

I may be wrong and there is a simple answer.  Maybe one of the experts in the list may know of an easier way.  

Madison Gas & Electric

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