Hi all ya'll,

I am beating my head against the wall, and was wondering if anyone had been
down this road before?

Here are snippets of my PMR, with names removed to protect the innocent

> Problem Description:
> I cannot follow the directions to define a Library client in a SAN for
> a 3494 library.
> TSM_HQ_1 is the library manager for 3494A, which is defined as lmcp0 on
> the server (hostname scpm01).  LMCP1 on this server is the SAN
> connection to the other 3494 library, which is managed by TSM_HQ_2 and
> is known as 3494B on the other server (hostname scpm02).  On scpm02
> lmcp0 is 3494A and lmcp1 is 3494B. There are 4 fibre paths to each
> drive, so on each server there are 32 defined 3590 H drives, even
> though there are physically only 8 drives in each library.
> I am unable to define the path/library/drives, either getting the error
> messages that you can't do that for library type shared or the source
> is wrong or the path is unavailable.
> What is the proper sequence/ proper commands to define a 3494 library
> client on the SAN?
> When I had a PMR opened for me a while back (15823,999- I think?? Maybe
> 28393,999??) on TSM System Recovery & Backup, the person I talked to
> (XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx?????) knew what I was talking about and told me
how to
> do it.  I wrote the steps down.....but now I can't find  my notes and I
> haven't been able to remember what the trick was......

> Lisa,
> There is a documentation flaw that was addressed in APARs IC34590 and
> IC34020:

> IC34590:
> The Managed System for SAN Storage Agent User's Guide (for all platforms)
> for TSM 5.1 mentions :

> Note: The DEFINE PATH command must be issued from the server (library
> manager or library client) that will manage the client's data.

> The above is an incorrect statement since the define path is not
> on the library client (as indicated in apar IC34020). The define path
> be done on the library manager, which means that the following action
> need to take place :
> 1. define share libr in library client.
> 2. define storage agent in library client.
> 3. define path in library manager for library client to use
> the drive.
> 4. set crossdefine on in both library client and manager.
> 5. start storage agent to connect to library client.
> ( this will define this storage agent in the library manager with the use
> of crossdefine)
> --or--
> manually define storage agent in library manager.
> 6. define path for storage agent in library manager.
> 7. re-start the storage agent to connect to library client.
> 8.start lan-free backup to library client
> .
> IC34020:
> Tivoli Storage Manager  Administrator's Guide books for AIX, HP-UX,
> Sun Solaris, and Windows operating systems will be updated to remove the
> incorrect steps in the procedure for setting up the library client.
> The correction will be made in both the procedure for setting up library
> sharing for a SCSI library and the procedure for setting up library
> for a 3494 library. Corrections will appear in books when the books are
> updated for the next release of the product(after Version 5.1.5)

> The correction is in the procedure for setting up the library client. In
> place of two steps that direct you to define the drives in the library
> define the path from the library client to each drive, you need to
> the following step: Perform this step from the library manager. Define a
> path from the library client to each drive. The device name should
> the way the library client system sees the device. For example, if the
> library client is on a Linux operating system, issue the following

> define path client drivea srctype=server desttype=drive
> library=3494san device =/dev/IBMtape0

> I guess I am just dense.

> I do
> tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define libr 3494b libt=shared primary=tsm_hq_2
> ANR8400I Library 3494B defined.

> then
> tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define path tsm_hq_2 3494b srct=server destt=libr
> device=/dev/lmcp1
> ANR8416E DEFINE PATH: The DEVICE parameter is invalid for library type
> ANS8001I Return code 15.

> and
> tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define drive 3494b aa781
> ANR8403E DEFINE DRIVE: Operation not allowed for SHARED libraries.
> ANS8001I Return code 3.

> tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define path tsm_hq_2 aa781 srct=server destt=drive
> device=/dev/rmt0
> ANR1725E 3494B AA781 is not defined.
> ANS8001I Return code 11.

> So what am I missing/ doing wrong?  The info about the storage agent
> doesn't apply here, right?

> Lisa,
> There is an APAR 5.1.5 IC34020 which states the documentation is
> incorrect.  At 5.1 define drive and define path are no longer required
> for the library client.
> .
> Use the steps below to configure your TSM instances in a shared library
> environment.
> .
> 1. Ensure setup of server-to-server communications have been set up
> (check devconfig files for "define server" definitions).

tsm: TSM_HQ_2>q ser tsm_hq_1 f=d

                                  Server Name: TSM_HQ_1
                                 Comm. Method: TCPIP
                           High-level Address: scpm01
                            Low-level Address: 1500
                                  Description: Configuration Manager
                            Allow Replacement: Yes
                                    Node Name: TSM_HQ_1
                        Last Access Date/Time: 06/10/2003 08:17:11AM
                       Days Since Last Access: <1
                                      Locked?: No
                                  Compression: No
                      Archive Delete Allowed?: (?)
                                          URL: http://scpm01:1580
                       Registration Date/Time: 06/15/2001 10:10:46AM
                    Registering Administrator: ADMIN
                  Bytes Received Last Session: 11,626
                      Bytes Sent Last Session: 371
                     Duration of Last Session: 67.44
                  Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 99.81
                 Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 0.00
                 Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                        Grace Deletion Period: 5
                             Managing profile: HQ_PROFILE
                          Server Password Set: Yes
                Server Password Set Date/Time: 01/24/2002 12:11:08PM
               Days Since Server Password Set: 502
             Invalid Sign-on Count for Server: 0
                  Virtual Volume Password Set: Yes
        Virtual Volume Password Set Date/Time: 06/15/2001 10:10:46AM
       Days Since Virtual Volume Password Set: 725
Invalid Sign-on Count for Virtual Volume Node: 0
                            Validate Protocol: No

tsm: TSM_HQ_1>q ser tsm_hq_2 f=d

                                  Server Name: TSM_HQ_2
                                 Comm. Method: TCPIP
                           High-level Address: scpm02
                            Low-level Address: 1500
                                  Description: Headquarters TSM Server 2
                            Allow Replacement: Yes
                                    Node Name: TSM_HQ_1
                        Last Access Date/Time: 06/10/2003 08:17:11AM
                       Days Since Last Access: <1
                                      Locked?: No
                                  Compression: No
                      Archive Delete Allowed?: (?)
                                          URL: http://scpm02:1580
                       Registration Date/Time: 06/15/2001 10:10:52AM
                    Registering Administrator: TSM_HQ_2
                  Bytes Received Last Session: 367
                      Bytes Sent Last Session: 11,626
                     Duration of Last Session: 67.36
                  Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 0.50
                 Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 0.00
                 Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
                        Grace Deletion Period: 5
                             Managing profile:
                          Server Password Set: Yes
                Server Password Set Date/Time: 01/24/2002 12:09:09PM
               Days Since Server Password Set: 502
             Invalid Sign-on Count for Server: 0
                  Virtual Volume Password Set: Yes
        Virtual Volume Password Set Date/Time: 06/15/2001 10:12:40AM
       Days Since Virtual Volume Password Set: 725
Invalid Sign-on Count for Virtual Volume Node: 0
                            Validate Protocol: No

> .
> 2. On Library Manager system:
> - define library on LM with libtype=scsi and shared=yes
tsm: TSM_HQ_1>q libr f=d

                  Library Name: 3494A
                  Library Type: 349X
                        ACS Id:
              Private Category: 300
              Scratch Category: 301
              External Manager:
                        Shared: Yes
       Primary Library Manager:
                 Serial Number:
Last Update by (administrator): CABANL
         Last Update Date/Time: 04/25/2003 09:14:30AM

                  Library Name: 3494B
                  Library Type: SHARED
                        ACS Id:
              Private Category:
              Scratch Category:
              External Manager:
                        Shared: No
       Primary Library Manager: TSM_HQ_2
                 Serial Number:
Last Update by (administrator): CABANL
         Last Update Date/Time: 06/10/2003 07:11:51AM

> - define path from LM to the library

In this case, TSM_HQ_1 is the library manager for 3494A, TSM_HQ_2 is LM for
3494B, and I am trying to set up the library CLIENT ON TSM_HQ_1 for  the
library 3494B.
How do I define the path???

this is the current config:
tsm: TSM_HQ_1>q path f=d

                   Source Name: TSM_HQ_1
                   Source Type: SERVER
              Destination Name: 3494A
              Destination Type: LIBRARY
                     Node Name:
                        Device: /dev/lmcp0
              External Manager:
                     Initiator: 0
                       On-Line: Yes
Last Update by (administrator): CABANL
         Last Update Date/Time: 04/29/2003 05:25:20PM

tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define path tsm_hq_2 3494b srct=server destt=libr
ANR8416E DEFINE PATH: The DEVICE parameter is invalid for library type
ANS8001I Return code 15.

tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define path tsm_hq_1 3494b srct=server destt=libr
ANR8416E DEFINE PATH: The DEVICE parameter is invalid for library type
ANS8001I Return code 15.

Neither of the DEFINES work.  What is the EXACT syntax I should be using in
my environment?  (For example, my libtype is not scsi, it is a 349X.

> - define drives to each drive in library

tsm: TSM_HQ_1>define dr 3494b aa781
ANR8403E DEFINE DRIVE: Operation not allowed for SHARED libraries.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

> - define paths from LM to each drive in the library

Can't define a path if you have not defined a drive

> - define paths from library client LC to each drive in
> the library


> - define devclass for the library

tsm: TSM_HQ_1>q devc f=d

             Device Class Name: 3590BTAPE
        Device Access Strategy: Sequential
            Storage Pool Count: 0
                   Device Type: 3590
                        Format: DRIVE
         Est/Max Capacity (MB):
                   Mount Limit: 8
              Mount Wait (min): 3
         Mount Retention (min): 0
                  Label Prefix: ADSM
                       Library: 3494B
                   Server Name:
                  Retry Period:
                Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): CABANL
         Last Update Date/Time: 05/29/2003 08:28:00AM

             Device Class Name: 3590TAPE
        Device Access Strategy: Sequential
            Storage Pool Count: 6
                   Device Type: 3590
                        Format: DRIVE
         Est/Max Capacity (MB):
                   Mount Limit: DRIVES
              Mount Wait (min): 3
         Mount Retention (min): 3
                  Label Prefix: ADSM
                       Library: 3494A
                   Server Name:
                  Retry Period:
                Retry Interval:
Last Update by (administrator): CABANL
         Last Update Date/Time: 05/29/2003 08:25:48AM

> - define stgpool using the devclass defined above

> .
> 3.  On Library Client system:
> - make sure LM server is defined to the library client
> system, otherwise define server LM
see above

> - define library on LC with libtype=shared (use the same name as the one
> on the LM).

see above
> - define devclass for the library

> - define stgpool using the devclass defined above
> There is another issue with shared libraries in TSM that may affect you:
> APAR IC35490 is concerned with having two device classes defined for a
> shared library.  This issue is addressed at TSM server level
> APAR IC35490:
> One of two things can be done: either alter your library sharing
> environment such that no two devclasses can point to the same library at
> time, or do not allow idle mount points.

> That is, you do not run the DEFINE DRIVE or DEFINE PATH commands on the
> library client.  The sole exception to this is that you run "DEFINE PATH"
> on the library client for the library, but you do not run this command on
> the library client for the drives.

> Please let us know if you require any additional assistance.


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