yes that is possible, register the admin and than 'grant  authority admin
class=node authority=access'
I'm not sure about 4.1 though, but 4.2 and higher it works
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Markus Veit

                                                An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
                                                Thema:   admins                        
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                        
              Received :  11.06.2003                                                   
              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:                                                
              Dist Stor Manager"                                                       

we would like to establish an admin for our hotline-department with only
is it possible in tsm 4.1 on os/390 ?
this admin should only be able to restore to the original destination, for
example to the win/nt-client,
not to his own workstation !

thanks for any help


Michael Heiermann
OD1 Systembetreuung
LINDE AG  Material Handling
Schweinheimer Straße 34
D-63743 Aschaffenburg
Tel.:   ++49 6021 99-1293
Fax.:   ++49 6021 99-6293

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