TSM Win2K Server, Win2K client TSM client vers 5.1.1

We just updated some of our servers with the latest code fixes from M$
On two servers that run M$SQL the client can backup the data, but it
fails daily.

When trying to do a manual backup using the client GUI, the data will
backup, but there is a problem when I try to backup the system object.

Tthe client 'disappears' (i.e. ends with no message and clears from the
Messages like the one below are in dsmerror.log:
06/13/2003 08:44:56 File not found
06/13/2003 08:44:56 File not found
06/13/2003 08:45:39 The file is being used by another process
06/13/2003 08:45:39 The file is being used by another process

On the other I get the 'file is being used by another process' message also.


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