>06/15/2003 14:59:19      ANR1163W Offsite volume B0010 still contains
>                         files which could not be moved.

Maria - You can refer to http://people.bu.edu/rbs/ADSM.QuickFacts
        in supplementing the Messages manual...

ANR1163W Offsite volume ______ still contains files which could not be moved.
        Indicates that a reclamation or MOVe Data was attempted on an offsite
        volume, but it still contained data. When MOVe Data or reclamation is
        performed for an offsite volume, files are obtained from a primary
        storage pool or possibly from another copy storage pool. Message
        ANR1163W is issued when residual files are left on the offsite volume
        after this move is completed.  This typically occurs when the server
        cannot copy files from another storage pool because they reside on
        volumes that are unavailable or offline.  Another possibility is that
        files in the source storage pool are marked as damaged and therefore do
        not get moved.  Check your activity log for messages indicating the
        reason why the files were not moved.

>From other notes in that doc...

        As an administrator, you need to perform the following regularly:
         'Query Volume ACCess=UNAVailable'
         'Query Volume ACCess=DESTroyed'
         'Query Volume ACCess=READOnly STATus=FIlling'
         'Query Volume STatus=PENding Format=Detailed'

It might also be the case that no onsite copy was made of some of the data
that went offsite.  Do a Query Content on the subject volume and research
from there.

   Richard Sims, BU

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