
Turns out the problem was that I was accessing the W2K server using a terminal 
services client.

I switched to a remote control of the console and everything went OK.

Strange huh?  Why would going thru a TS client affect it?

Anyway, all's well that ends well.


Mark Ferraretto
Unix Systems Administrator
Deutsche Bank Hong Kong
w: +852 2203 6362        m: +852 9558 8032        f: +852 2203 6971
----- Forwarded by Mark Ferraretto/HK/DBAsia/DeuBa on 06/20/03 02:55 PM -----
                      Mark Ferraretto                                                  
                                               To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
                      06/20/03 12:04 PM        cc:                                     
                                               Subject: Fresh install of TDP for 
Domino crashed on Win2K(Document link: Mark           


I've installed the latest TDP for Domino client on one of our W2K Notes boxes.  I 
can't run the GUI at all.  It crashes on startup.  I can however run domdsmc but 
domdsmc also crashes.  But it only seems to crash when attempting to access the Domino 
server.  I've managed to register the client to the TSM server and I can change the 
tsm password and I can set settings (eg: ini path).  But if I do anything involving 
the domino server eg: domdsmc q domino, it crashes.

A dump of the crash and the .rip file follow.

Any ideas?



C:\PROGRA~1\TSM\domino>domdsmc q domino

Tivoli Storage Manager
Tivoli Data Protection for Lotus Domino - Version 1, Release 1, Level 2.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2001. All rights reserved.

License file exists and contains valid license data.

Unexpected internal error returned to logger: 0x20762010
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\statrep.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\public\it\R5PSPG.NSF

Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\NAV\navlog.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\NAV\navdefs.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\NAV\nav.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\mail1\hk209781.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\log.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\iw\iwmail.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\dbecna.nsf
Recovery Manager: Unable to recover DB d:\Lotus\Domino\Data\busytime.nsf
Unable to complete restart processing, err = Recovery Manager: Error from Loggin
g Subsystem..

PANIC: Unable to complete restart processing.

  *          Quincy for Win32  Rev 2.00          *
  *  Copyright 1995-7, Lotus Development Corp.   *
  *             All rights reserved              *
  *          Abnormal Termination Report         *
Portions Copyright (C) 1985-1993 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Quincy has detected the following fatal exception
Please report this crash to the vendor of the faulting application:
 App: C:\Program Files\TSM\domino\domdsmc.exe (PID=0x4A0) ""
 When: 6/20/2003 @ 10:46:21.683
 Exception Number: 0x80000003 (hardcoded breakpoint)
 Exception Flags:  0x00000000 (continuable)
 Notes Build: Release 5.0.11  |July 24, 2002

State Dump for Thread ID 0xE88

EAX: 01C90860 EBX: 000013E3 ECX: FFFFFFFF EDX: 01D23533 ESI: 0166FC48 EDI: 00000000
EIP: 77F97704 ESP: 001226C4 EBP: 00122A30 IOPL: 0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
CS: 001B  SS: 0023  DS: 0023  ES: 0023  FS: 0038  GS: 0000             EFL: 00000202

---------- Code Disassembly ----------
function: <nosymbols>+0000
        77f976f8 75fc             jnz     77f976f6
        77f976fa e836ffffff       call    77f97635
        77f976ff e90bfcffff       jmp     77f9730f
FAULT ->77f97704 cc               int     3
        77f97705 c3               ret
        77f97706 32c0             xor     al,al
        77f97708 e929f4feff       jmp     77f86b36
        77f9770d 55               push    ebp
        77f9770e 8bec             mov     ebp,esp
        77f97710 81ec80000000     sub     esp,0x80

PANIC: Unable to complete restart processing.

---------- Top of the Stack ----------
001226C4  0115367A 00010000 54200A0A 61657268  |z6........ Threa|
001226D4  305B3D64 3A304134 32303030 3845302D  |d=[04A0:0002-0E8|

Mark Ferraretto
Unix Systems Administrator
Deutsche Bank Hong Kong
w: +852 2203 6362        m: +852 9558 8032        f: +852 2203 6971


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