Hello David,

Formally, it seems there is no 'change' of messages between versions 
A message may be new or no more available (or not documented, explicitly in a chapter 
of M&Codes, or not explicity)
but not modified.

But yes, there are 'spaces-blanks variations' around variables (filenames, nodenames, 
adminnames, drivenames ...) inside messages :
between versions, between languages, between operating systems ???
I don't know where or why, but I saw that several times. 
Maybe Andy will be more accurate about these "variations". But maybe there is no 

If you read actlog by program, I think you have to deal with these variations in your 
code. That's we (try to) do.

Best regards

Christian Bagard

SOS-Restore - 32 cours Mirabeau - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Rigaudiere" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:32 AM
Subject: looking for a doc which tracks messages format changes for actlog

Hi *SMers,
anyone knows a documentation where we can find the changes about the
messages in the actlog ?
ie with the ANE4987E message changed.
The space between folder and file name has been removed.

maybee a CHANGE file ?

Best regards

David  Rigaudiere  -+-  Administration  TSM  -+-
Paris -+- 40, rue de Courcelles -+- 4e étage -+-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- 01.5621.7802

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