>>ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE2 (mt2.0.0.5) (OP=LOCATE, Error
>>CC=0, KEY=03, ASC=14, ASCQ=00,
>>Every week, a different tape is reporting error. ...
>>Tape drives are fine since the same tape reports error on different

>(*chuckle*)  Well, it could mean that all your drives are consistently
>problematic.  Refer to last week's postings about tape drive cleaning -
>the root of so many tape I/O problems.  Dirty tape drives proficiently
>spread the gunk throughout your tape complement and to other drives.
>Remember also that libraries are not hermetically sealed units - and
>computer rooms are far from being Clean Rooms.  If your library is in a
>dusty or high-traffic area, consider putting a portable air cleaner
>alongside it.

>  Richard Sims, BU

There is a new firmware level for that drive.  I have not gotten that error
message since it was applied (about 6/18).

Bob Levad

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