
I am glad you asked this question as I was thinking of posting a similar
question myself.

Here is our configuration:

IBM F50 4-way
AIX 4.3.3 ML 11
Overland Neo 4000 library with 4 Seagate LTO-1 drives, hardware compression
on 2 6205 Ultra2 SCSI Interface cards (2 drives per/port with library on
its own port) TSM

Before I started to play with some server side parameters (MoveBatchSize,
MoveSizeThresh, BuffPoolSize), I was getting about 4-5 MB/s tape throughput
on a primary pool copy operation.

After cranking up the three parameters from their defaults (MoveBatchSize
(# objects)  40->1000, MoveSizeThresh (MB) 500->2048, BuffPoolSize (KB)
2048->131072) I am now getting 11-12 MB/s tape throughput on that same
primary pool copy operation.

My two cents.

Marc Taylor

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