TSM Server: AIX 4.3.3, TSM
RMAN Server: AIX4.3.3, TDP 5.2
RMAN Client: AIX 4.3.3, TSM 5.1.5, TDP5.2

The installation guide seems to be a little fuzzy on this topic...

At some point during the backup process we get this error in our
tdpoerror.log file:

23:28:55 ANS4994S TDP Oracle AIX ANU0599 ANU2602E The object
/adsmorc//c-3756527612-20030714-03 was not found on the TSM Server

After doing some of my own research I realize its telling me that the
/adsmorc file space does not exist. My question is.... where is is supposed
to exist? Am I supposed to create an adsmorc file system or directory on the
TSM server, on the TDP/RMAN server, or the client? Is anything ever going to
get put there? Does it need to be its own mount point?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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