Just as an aside, the fix for this is supposedly available in,
which is now available from the ftp site.  We saw this problem show up when
we upgraded to         ..Paul

At 01:16 PM 7/18/2003 +0200, Remco Post wrote:
Hi all,

I have a small test-server that I upgraded from 5.1.7 to 5.2 last week. To
be able to do that I had to upgrade the OS from AIX 4.3.3 to AIX 5.1 (ml4),
ever since, migration does not seem to work (I have no tapes in that box,
just a bunch of old disks) Actlog tells me:

07/18/03 08:01:05 ANR1000I Migration process 23 started for storage pool BACKUPPOOL. 07/18/03 08:01:05 ANR8340I FILE volume /tsm/data/0000027A.BFS mounted. 07/18/03 08:01:08 ANR8341I End-of-volume reached for FILE volume /tsm/data/0000027A.BFS. 07/18/03 08:01:09 ANR8340I FILE volume /tsm/data/00000283.BFS mounted. 07/18/03 08:01:25 ANR9999D ssutil.c(1636): ThreadId<35> Invalid format code - 1. 07/18/03 08:01:25 ANR1032W Migration process 23 terminated for storage pool BACKUPPOOL - internal server error detected. 07/18/03 08:01:25 ANR0985I Process 23 for MIGRATION running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at 08:01:25.

I deleted (del vol) a previous filedev volume (was empty), thinking that might have been corrupted, unfortunately, that did not help. The filesystem is a plain old JFS.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam    http://www.sara.nl
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industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry
didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas Adams

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