>I am wondering if there is something in TSM that throttles the tape
>performance we should be getting.  I can do a dd test from the operating
>system to the tape drive and with that receive 2 GB per minute (32 MB/sec)
>but when I do a test through TSM, I only get 1 GB per minute.
>My environment is:
>TSM 5.7.0 on Solaris 8
>Server: Sunfire 880
>Tape drives are 9840 Fibre attached.
>As a result, we are questioning the value of putting in the more expensive
>tape drives when we can't seem to pump the data through as expected.
>Any ideas of what I might look at would be appreciated.

Now, why did you not tell us what the test was?  :-)
Perspective and context is everything when trying to respond to postings.
You very much did the right thing in getting isolated benchmark numbers first.

Was the test a single, very large file so as to keep database updating out
of the picture, rather than many small files?  Was the client co-resident on
the server system as to keep network contention out of the picture?  All
them factors.

  Richard Sims, BU

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