I have a domain admin who'd like to find obsolete filespaces.  This is his
SQL script:

select filespaces.node_name,filespaces.filespace_name,filespaces.backup_end
from -
 filespaces where (($1 < -
 days(current_timestamp) - days(backup_end) or -
 backup_end is null) and filespaces.node_name in (select nodes.node_name
from nodes where domain_name=upper('$2'))

And this is the result:

tsm: TSM>run sincelast_fs 30 csm
ANR2909E The SQL statement is incomplete; additional tokens are required.
ANR1463E RUN: Command script SINCELAST_FS completed in error.
ANS8001I Return code 4.

What is missing??

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