You bring up a good point - these two folks are posting here because they
genuinely want to help out and willing to tolerate the flak and other
divergent opinions at times. For having gone so far beyond the official
duty requirements, I think it'd be nice to give them due recognition and a
big round of thanks.

They are not official spokespeople; they are not expected or required to
participate here, to forward reports, to come up with ideas, to defend the
organization, amongst many other things, but they still hang out, anyway,
and help out a lot.

I would *never* jump on them for not doing more - they have already
willingly gone so far beyond what is expected of their duties; I appreciate
it and accept it, and allow them to be as human as they wish - that means
maybe they aren't always interested in responding to every single report
concerning their speciality at all times. That's all right; that's why we
have support contracts to guarantee we will always get the appropriate
support that we need at the right times.

If we wish to have greater participation and representation by IBM/Tivoli
experts here in adsm-l, I believe the appropriate folks to discuss it with
or pressure would be their management, directly.

Oftentimes, some reasons why more people from a vendor don't participate in
their product's public forums -- fear of legal issues, not enjoying being
singled out and flamed (we're all human) for decisions made by others, an
environment that's perceived to be demanding, amongst many other reasons.

So, thank you very much, Mr. Raibeck and Mr. Hoobler.

(amongst numerous others whom also posts here, of course.)


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