Hi all,

a few weeks back we had a discussion on empty volumes not returning to
scratch, well, here is an example.

tsm: BASKET>q vol stat=empty f=d

                   Volume Name: U00122
             Storage Pool Name: SANPOOL
             Device Class Name: 3494-3590
       Estimated Capacity (MB): 0.0
                      Pct Util: 0.0
                 Volume Status: Empty
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 5
             Write Pass Number: 0
     Approx. Date Last Written:
        Approx. Date Last Read:
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 07/27/03   11:11:32

This is with server level on AIX 4.3.3.

What is more surprising is that the last update of this volume was not
reclamation, but allocation of this volume in the storagepool. It has been
mounted for over two hours at that time, probably due to space-recamation
running at that time, but apperently, there was never one bit written. Now
I'm wondering, how could that be? The actlog shows:

07/27/03   11:11:32      ANR8337I 3590 volume U00122 mounted in drive 3590-6
07/27/03   11:11:32      ANR1340I Scratch volume U00122 is now defined in storage
                          pool SANPOOL.
07/27/03   11:11:58      ANE4991I (Session: 12641, Node: BASKET-C)  API ANE4991
                          rmt0=leeg rmt1=leeg rmt2=leeg rmt3=leeg rmt4=leeg
                          rmt5=leeg rmt6=U00122
(lots more ANE4991I here, this is generated by a applcation developped in
07/27/03   13:17:37      ANR8325I Dismounting volume U00122 - 2 minute mount
                          retention expired.
07/27/03   13:17:38      ANE4991I (Session: 12911, Node: BASKET-C)  API ANE4991
                          rmt0=leeg rmt1=000809 rmt2=000689 rmt3=leeg rmt4=leeg
                          rmt5=U00261 rmt6=U00122
07/27/03   13:17:49      ANR8336I Verifying label of 3590 volume U00122 in drive
                          3590-6 (/dev/rmt6).
07/27/03   13:18:44      ANE4991I (Session: 12913, Node: BASKET-C)  API ANE4991
                          rmt0=leeg rmt1=000809 rmt2=000689 rmt3=leeg rmt4=leeg
                          rmt5=U00261 rmt6=U00122
07/27/03   13:18:47      ANR8468I 3590 volume U00122 dismounted from drive 3590-6
                          (/dev/rmt6) in library 3494LIB.

And the volume doesn't show in the actlog ever since...

As you can see, the is a volume that was a scratch vol, was written to
(apperently, it could not have been read, since scratchvolumes don't contain
any data) for over 2 hours and is empty afterwards.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam    http://www.sara.nl
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008    Fax. +31 20 668 3167

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