We just got TSM running on Windows 2K server. Server configured
and started a couple of weeks ago and it has been running great. I've been
backing up clients, getting all the data on the server, so far so good,
until an hour ago.

I was backing up 3-4 clients at a time, when all of a sudden the client
displayed a message: "Not enough space in the recovery log". I went to the
server and it was hung. I tried to restart the server and I get the
following errors:

ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress.
ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 8000 megabytes.
ANR0201I Database assigned capacity is 4000 megabytes.
ANR0306I Recovery log volume mount in progress.
ANR0287W Contents of the page shadow file dbpgshdw.bdt are not valid.
ANR0285I Database page shadowing started using file dbpgshdw.bdt.
ANR0353I Recovery log analysis pass in progress.
ANR0354I Recovery log redo pass in progress.
ANR0355I Recovery log undo pass in progress.
ANR0352I Transaction recovery complete.
ANR9999D adminit.c(1269): ThreadId<0> Insufficient log space to update
table Administrative.Attributes.

So it seems the server can't read the dbpgshdw.bdt, yet it starts using it
anyway, and then the server crashes due to insufficient log space.

I've looked in the messages guide and it doesn't give any good
instructions on what to do next, it just says: dbpg file is not valid, it
happened because of blah blah, whatever.

So, first thing I need to do is fix the server. How do I do that, as
there are no instructions in the messages book? Then I need to find out
why this happened, and prevent it from happening again. If I've lost the
entire database that's okay, because everything is still backed up on our
old server. But I can't have this happen in the future once the old server
is offline.

The server is installed on a mirrored system partition. Could it be that
the logs don't want to exist on a mirror. If the mirror is trying to sync,
would that corrupt the logs?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm now going to search google and
check back here soon.

---                                                               ---
   Alex Lazarevich | Systems Administrator | Imaging Technology Group
            Beckman Institute - University of Illinois
       [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (217)244-1565 | www.itg.uiuc.edu
---                                                               ---

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