From: Leonard Lauria [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Even if I let the backups slowly expire on the old
> system, and do new ones to the new server...which
> will be extremely difficult due to the number of
> tape drives I have...I still have 15 TBs of HSM data
> on a single node that must be moved.  Is the only way
> to do this export/inport?


> Why can't the database be dumped and loaded on a new
> server?  Isn't that what happens for DR?  Why can't
> I just pretend I am doing a DR to my new server and
> leave the data there?  This must be a stupid idea
> since it is not in the FAQ, but I don't see why at
> the moment.
> I am changing the type of platform....moving from
> a Solaris system to a AIX system.

That's the crux of the problem. Because moving a TSM database from one
OS to another, while it may work when you're staying within the UNIX
world, is not supported. If it's not supported, there are probably good
reasons for it.

If you were moving from one Solaris box to another, it wouldn't be an

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627

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