
We're running TSM on AIX 4.3.3.

What we've seen is that if a TSM process that reserved the drive dies,
those reservations are not cancelled.

I had an export job abort on dismount failure, and *three days* later the
input and output mount point reservations were still listed in the Q MOUNT
report, even though the export was not restarted.

It took a TSM reboot to clear those reservations.

Could that be the cause of your problem?

Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram, LLC

|         |           Lawrence Clark        |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           TATE.NY.US>           |
|         |           Sent by: "ADSM: Dist  |
|         |           Stor Manager"         |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|
|         |                                 |
|         |                                 |
|         |           08/11/2003 12:14 AM   |
|         |           Please respond to     |
|         |           "ADSM: Dist Stor      |
|         |           Manager"              |
|         |                                 |
  |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                  
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  TSM 5.1 mount messages                                             

We upgradedto 5.1 over the weekend and I'm seeing messages I haven't
seen before related to mounts:
- a reclamation starts
- 2 tapes are called for
- 1 mounts
- the reclamation cancels due to no drives available, although a2nd
drive is available

Anyone seen this?

tsm: BACKUP>q mount
ANR8379I Mount point in device class 3494ATAPE is waiting for the
volume mount
to complete, status: WAITING FOR VOLUME.
ANR8376I Mount point reserved in device class 3494ATAPE, status:
ANR8334I         2 matches found.

tsm: BACKUP>q mount
ANR8330I 3590 volume 000466 is mounted R/O in drive 3590RMT0
status: IN USE.
ANR8376I Mount point reserved in device class 3494ATAPE, status:
ANR8334I         2 matches found.

tsm: BACKUP>q process
ANR0944E QUERY PROCESS: No active processes found.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

08/11/03   01:06:05  ANR0984I Process 4 for SPACE RECLAMATION started
in the
                      BACKGROUND at 01:06:05.
08/11/03   01:06:05  ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume
                      storage pool NTBKCOPY (process number 4).
08/11/03   01:06:05  ANR1044I Removable volume 000482 is required for
08/11/03   01:06:06  ANR8447E No drives are currently available in
08/11/03   01:06:06  ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume 000469 -

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