> Hi,
> I am currently facing quite a strange problem and I can't find a clue or
> solution to it. Some .dbf files are archived on a daily basis and the
> expiry is set to NOLIMIT . The problem is that I was trying to do a
> retrieve for a specific date, I noticed that all files between 23/06/02 to
> 30/06/02 are "MISSING" i.e  I cannot find them from the client GUI.
> The volume is not deleted or destroyed and it can still be si still be
> queried from the DB. But when I query the contents of the tape, the
> archived objects are still there. Furthermore, objects backed up to the
> same volume after the 30/06/02 are still accessible from the cleint
> interface. One more thing, the first two days files (23 & 24 ) are not on
> this volume but on another one but still not accessible.
> These files were accessible last week, as i restored last week's TSM DB
> and was able to retrieve the files from the same volumes. When I query the
> activity log with the search string bearing the volume name, there is
> nothing to indicate that the volume status was altered or whatsoever.
> All your sugestions and assistance to solve same will be highly
> appreciated. (Both TSM server version 5.1.11 & client
> Help, Please.
> Thanks.

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