Thanks Del, I *thought* that's what it was supposed to do (I thought I was
having another senior moment;-).  I'll open a PMR.


             Del Hoobler
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             OM>                                                        To
             Sent by: "ADSM:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             Dist Stor                                                  cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             .EDU>                     Re: TDP for Domino 6.  ver

             08/26/2003 01:54

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


It should be detecting those new databases.
Each time a "DOMDSMC INCREMENTAL" backup is run
it should be picking up "new" databases (as well as
logged databases that the DBIID has changed or
non-logged databases that the internal time stamp
has changed on.)

Something else must be wrong in your scheduled
scripts or in the location of the new databases
...or something like that.

I would call IBM support so that some traces
can be gathered to find out if those databases
are being "registered" by Domino.

You should not have to run a SELECTIVE backup
to pick those up... the INCREMENTAL backup
should be picking them up.




I have just discovered something interesting, which in this case is not
something good.

We have transaction logging on, and TDP incrementals run nightly against
the logged databases.  It was my understanding that the incremental would
"turn into" a selective if the DBIID changed or it encountered a new

It's not doing that.  The admins are putting new user databases onto the
server, and they are not being caught by the incremental.  I guess they
don't get 'caught' until we do a compact/selective.

Did I misunderstand the documentation, or is this not working as designed.
Do I tell my notes admins to run a selective backup every time they create
a new database?



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