
I really mean 36U5, please find here output of Service panel from the web
interface for the drives:

This version of firmware has been downloaded by the IBM CE


                René LAMBELET
                NESTEC  SA
                GLOBE - Global Business Excellence
                Central Support Center
                Av. Nestlé 55  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) 
                tél +41 (0)21 924 35 43   fax +41 (0)21 924 13 69   local
                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                This message is intended only for the use of the addressee
                and may contain information that is privileged and

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday,2. September 2003 04:14
Subject: Re: New 3584 library and drive microcode

Hot Diggety! Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GL-CSC was rumored to have written:
> Eric, following some unmount failures, IBM recommended to install 36U3
> was chosen because it appeared on the IBM ftp site the day before).

I noticed that several people installed 36U5 but it does not appear to be
on either the web or ftp site... 36U3 is present for both. So they may have
yanked 36U5 -- possible serious bugs?

Just mentioning as an advisory note / heads-up.


Attachment: whtm_service_drive_vpd.pdf
Description: Binary data

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