Hi everybody!

I checked archives, and found some similar problems but without resolution ((

So, may be some body already got the answer.
After upgrading Solaris 8 to Solaris 9 and TSM from 5.1.6 to 5.1.7 our links in 
/dev/rmt changed order, so we had to update path defenitions to new devices names (2mt 
become 1mt and 0lb become 2lb)
updating path for library was successful, but drive not... I continiusly was getting - 
invalid request for update path.... bla bla bla...

So I deleted path and drive and recreated them.
After everything started to work for the first look (checkout and checkin works just 
fine - that means drive can read labels from tapes - library does not have barcode 
But in any action which require to mount volume I'm getting the follow messages:

ANR8447E No drives are currently available in library DLT1LIB.
ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume DLT819 - mount failed.

It is DELL PV120TDLT1 library with only one Benchmark DLT1 drive
so mount limit is 1 in devclass definition (i danced around with all possible values - 
mount limit drives, format =drives, dlt40, dlt40c, dlt1, dlt1c) and nothing helped.....
restarting tsm couple time also does not make any effect

Does any body have any idea what I can do?
May be there is exist some options to get more detailed log?


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