
Follow standard procedure,

watch your process, analyze the bottleneck, see what tuning knobs you have to ease the 

One that I recently had was that the AIX admin changed an "no" parameter and so I 
could no longer negotiate the TCPBUFSIZE that I had specified.
Another case was with DB2 and client compression, the compression was using 100% of 
CPU on each process. Third CPU was idle. Possible solutions, backup in three processes 
or turn off client compression, I chose to turn off compression.

It could be any of a hundred things.


Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 15/09/2003 21:19:45 >>>
Hi TSMers,

We have recently configured our TSM server and clients on a private lan with
gigabit connections. Our backups i.e aix filesystems are running at 1gb per
minutes , but when we do a restore it runs at 1gb per 5 minutes. How can we
optimise the performance for the restores ? Also when restoring a DB2
database from TSM it takes a long time, how can we improve this ?

Any ideas ???



Lindy Crawford
Information Technology
Nedbank Corporate - Property & Asset Finance
>  +27-31-3642946
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