When TSM mounts a scratch tape the EXPDT field in CA-1 gets updated as PERMANENT and CA-1 will never recognize that tape as a scratch until the EXPDT changes to an expired date.  The EXPDT will not change until I delete the stgdelete volumes from the VOLHISTORY file.  So if I do a query volhist;

tsm: >q volhist type=stgdelete

Server date/time: 09/17/2003 09:58:06
Date/Time: 09/17/2003 09:57:04
Volume Type: STGDELETE
Backup Series:
Backup Operation:
Volume Seq:
Device Class: CART3590
Volume Name: 101211
Volume Location:

TSM knows that 101211 is a stgdelete and ready to be scratched.  But CA-1 knows that it is still controlled by TSM because the EXPDT = PERMANENT  

---------------------------  VOLSER INQUIRY DISPLAY  ------------------------
VOLSER = 101211               ACTVOL=                   SMSMC= BLANKS        
DSN    = ADSM.BFS                                                DSN17= ADSM.BFS      
EXPDT  = PERMANENT                                        ACCT= HEXZEROS                                          
FLAG1  = 40 = (CLO)                                                BATCHID= 00 =TMSTMSTV  

Now if I do a delete volhist type=stgdelete;

tsm: MGECC_SERVER>delete volhist type=stgdelete todate=today
Do you wish to proceed? (Yes (Y)/No (N)) y
ANR2467I DELETE VOLHISTORY: 1 sequential volume history entries were successfully deleted.
Since TSM has let go of control over that tape, CA-1 will now take it back;

---------------------------  VOLSER INQUIRY DISPLAY  --------------------------
VOLSER = 101211              ACTVOL=                   SMSMC= BLANKS          
DSN    = ADSM.BFS                                               DSN17= ADSM.BFS        
EXPDT  = 2003/260                                               ACCT= HEXZEROS                                            
FLAG1  = 40 = (CLO)                                               BATCHID= 60 = TMSTMSTV  

Now the EXPDT is todays date so tomorrow morning when we run our morning tape processing job, CA-1 will expire VOLSER 101221 and it will be a scratch tape in CA-1 control.  The module TMSARCTV must define these controls in some way when it is set as the deletionexit in the MVS Server Options file.

DELEtionexit   TMSARCTV        

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