>Has anyone had any problems with TSM AIX client 5.2 64bit ? I am using
>aix5.2 64bit and  tsm client 64 bit....with db2 backing up to tsm, but my
>session is lost during a restore. it continues to create the containers and
>once it come to the step of restoring data ...the db2 restore fails as the
>session was dropped when creating the first container.
>Any ideas ????

The first step, always, is to look for reasons in your client and server logs.
Thereafter you can address the issue.  As indicated in another response,
default server timeout values are almost always too low, and generally need
generous boosts.  Smallish timeouts kick out useless client sessions, but can
also terminate long-dwell, viable sessions.

   Richard Sims, BU

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