From: Linda Seeba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>I am running TSM 5.1.3 on an AIX platform. I created a backupset for a
customer and now they want to know how much data was backed up to it. I can
tell them the amount of objects but not the amount of data. Does anyone
know how to get this information?<

It's almost certainly not available from the TSM server, because the TSM database does 
not track that information. However, it's a safe bet that (assuming that the backupset 
is recent) that the amount of data on the TSM client is pretty much equal to the 
amount of data on the backupset tape. (This assumes that you created a backupset of 
the entire client, and not a backupset of one of the client's filespaces.)

You have to remember that a backupset is an entity independent of the TSM server. A 
backupset can be restored from a media drive locally attached to the TSM client, and 
has no need for TSM server intervention.


Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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