
I have been experiencing problems with 3590 K-Type tapes as well and it has been well 
over 5 months since we have upgraded from B1A/E1A to H1A. You may be running into an 
APAR that support informed me on last month where you have to mark the volumes as 
READOnly to get them to mount. See info below:

DCF Document ID: 1137386 - IBM Tivoli Storage Manager: How to diagnose
ANR8447E and ANR1401W messages
Problem Desc:  On initial configuration or after migrating from one type of
drive type to another (say like 3590E to 3590H model), it is possible to
receive ANR8447E & ANR1401W messages if configuration is incorrect or drive
migration is not done correctly.

Solution:  For each tape volume that TSM writes own, it records the format
of the volume in the TSM database. When a tape needs to be mounted in a
drive, TSM checks the format of the tape from the db and checks to see if
any defined drive to TSM is capable of reading or writing in that format
(depending on the operation). If no drive matches the required tape format
in the required mode (read/write) then the mount fails with ANR8447E and
ANR1401W messages.
When this happens, you first have to find 2 things, (1) what formats does
the drives support for read and for write and (2) what format are the
volumes recorded with in the TSM db.
For (1), you use the "show library" command. This command will report the
drive list. For each drive in the list, its read and write capabilities are
reported. For example, for a 3590E drive, you would get :
Device Class = 3590,
RD Capabilities = 03F00000,
WR Capabilities = 03000000,
This shows the drive is capable of reading 3590B, 3590C, 3590E-B, 3590E-C
3590H-B and 3590H-C but can only write 3590H-B or 3590H-C.

For (2), you can do an MMS server trace. The trace would show the following

13:41:49.980 [55][mmslib.c][8032]: Obtaining reservation for volume A10774
in library 3494LIB; activity=4.
13:41:49.982 [55][mmsdrive.c][1227]: Acquiring a drive in library 3494LIB -
format 00800000 and mode 1.
13:41:50.512 [55][mmsdrive.c][7146]: Drives in list cannot support format
00800000 in mode 1.

In the above trace entries, it shows that TSM is trying to mount tape
A10774 which is a 3590E-C format tape (format=00800000)in order to write to
the tape (mode 1).
In the above example, the mount failed with ANR8447E and ANR1401W because
drive cannot write in 3590E-C format (see (1)). This error originated from
a customer failing to update all filling volume to readonly access after
upgrading drives from 3590E to 3590H.
FYI, for a list of tape formats, please refer to the mms.c module.

Another way to get the tape volume format is retrieve the stored format for
the involved volume from the AS.Volume.Status table. The format is the 2nd
word stored in the pvrattr field in the table (column 13). You can

a) Issue the following TSM admin command to create a temporary sql table
that maps the AS.Volume.Status table :
---> create sqltable AS.Volume.Status volstat (case sensitive)

b) Issue the following TSM admin command to retrieve all filling volumes in
readwrite access with format = '00800000' (3590E-C):
---> select volumes.volume_name from volumes,volstat where -
volumes.volume_name=volstat.c1 and volumes.status='FILLING' and -
volumes.access='READWRITE' and -
substring((cast(hex(volstat.c13) as char(112))) from 9 for 8) = '00800000'

The above commands are particularly useful to "zero in" on a particular
Once the drive are defined properly and volumes properly set to readonly,
the ANR8447E and ANR1401W should cease.
Add Dt:  2003-09-04
Add Time:  09:10:24

Some Important Notes:
1.  When issuing the sql commands, follow the letter casing as shown in the
2.  In your case, the trace showed the following error:
      [mmsdrive.c][7115]: Drives in list cannot support format 00200000 in
mode 1.
     Thus, for the select statement you need to replace the 00800000 with
00200000 to reflect the 3590H-C drive you are using.
3.  Once you get a list of the affected volumes you must update their
ACCESS to READONLY and either perform MOVE DATAs or allow the data to
expire off.            The volumes will eventually get returned to scratch
at which time on their subsequent write, will get the proper volume
attribute info recorded.


Demetrius Malbrough

   -------Original Message-------
   > From: Jason Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   > Subject: tape errors after 3590H upgrade - K tape - 3592s
   > Sent: 09 Oct 2003 18:22:34
   >  Hi,
   >  A couple of months ago we upgraded our 3590E drives to H. Marked
   >  everything as readonly.. moved all the data to "new" (scratch) tape 
   >  as not to mix formats on the tape. etc etc etc
   >  Now I'm noticing a high number of media errors. I'm assuming that some
   >  of the old tape is not up to supporting 384 tracks. The question is,
   >  how does one go about finding out which tapes are good and which bad,
   >  preferably *before* actually trying to use them, which grinds
   >  everything to a halt as TSM gives up on the tape for the operation and
   >  promptly turns around and tries it again.
   >  Does relabeling the volumes exercise the tape at all?
   >  Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
   >  On a related note... anyone having problems with K tape in 3590H
   >  drives? We're thinking of moving over to all K for the increase in
   >  capacity. Anyone got a 3592 or two... how are those working out?
   >  Thanks!
   >  Jason
   -------Original Message-------

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