
The data will stay in the existing storage pool until  it is moved

BTW: Rebinding applies to data retention (ie: number of versions and days
to keep), and actually refers to files being "re-attached" to a new
(different) management class.

So, changing the details of a management class doesnt cause rebinding (but
the new details apply to whatever is attached to that management class).

Changing your INCLUDE /filespec <MGMTCLASS> will result in files in
/filespec being changed to the new management class (aka rebinding), (or
changing your default management class) and thus be at the mercy of the
new retention details.

Hope this make sense...

Have you looked at the A/NZ Tivoli User Group website?

Deon George, IBM Tivoli Software Engineer, IBM Australia
Office: +61 3 9626 6058, Fax: +61 3 9626 6622, Mobile: +61 412 366 816,
IVPN +70 66058
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ibm.com/tivoli

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 14/10/2003
11:30:23 AM:

> We have monthly incremental backups running for some of our nodes
> which are registered to a seperate policy domain. Data for this
> domain is suppose to go to a seperate storage pool but I've
> discovered a couple of errors in the copy destination field for two
> management classes. I need to modify the copy destination field for
> the Backup Copy Group to point to the correct storage pool but
> wonder what effect this will have on the data currently stored in
> the wrong are? I take it the next time the files are backed-up they
> will be rebound to the new storage pool, will the files already
> stored in the incorrect storage pool get moved across automatically
> or will they just sit there?

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