
I launched some BACKUP STORAGEPOOLs, and checked glance as you suggested.
I have about 12 screens' worth of threads under dsmserv (standard 25-line
screen size).  I did locate a few threads that seem to correspond to the
tapes being used by the backup, and they seem to alternate between IO wait
and SYSTM wait (which I would expect for I/O processes).  The CPU util for
these threads is somewhat higher than the other dsmserv threads, but
nowhere near what you are seeing.... mine are around 5%.  These were using
my DLT8000 drives.... maybe there's and issue with the older drives, or
with HP-UX 11.0? (We have 11i).  I'll keep looking over the next few days.


|         |           "Slaughter, Bill"  |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           ERWARE.COM>        |
|         |           Sent by: "ADSM:    |
|         |           Dist Stor Manager" |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           DU>                |
|         |                              |
|         |                              |
|         |           10/15/03 10:42 AM  |
|         |           Please respond to  |
|         |           "ADSM: Dist Stor   |
|         |           Manager"           |
|         |                              |
  |To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                           
  |        Re: High CPU Consumption on Tape Threads in DSMSERV                         


I selected the threads of the DSMSERV process with glance using option "G".

All threads were listed (3 pages). If you use the "+" and go to the last
page you may be able to see some waiting on I/O. These are more than likely
the Tape threads. When active doing MIGRATION or BACKUP STORAGE POOL these
consume high amounts of CPU, SPACE RECLAMATION and MOVE DATA will also but
it depends on the density of the data on the tape.

I was able to compare a couple of ways, I regressed the driver back to
for all my tape drives except 1 and can show the high CPU. I also still
a system around and a test system I can configure and play with.

Bill Slaughter

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