>There are no errors showing in the logs for any of
>the tapes. Sometimes when I come in in the morning reclamation is
>running on the offsite pool

This sounds like you are setting the reclaim level too low.  Start by
setting it higher, e.g. 90.  If reclaim is able to process that in your
time frame, them take it a step lower, 85 or 80.  Keep stepping down
until you get to 60 or some point above 60 that takes all of your
allocated time.

Remember, that when reclaiming offsite tapes, the tapes are mostly not
empted until the reclaim process completes.  That is why it is important
to not set the reclaim level so low that it does not complete.  The
reason is that for offsite tapes, tsm does not read all of the onsite
tapes needed to reclaim a single offsite tape and then move on to the
next.  When reclaiming offsite tapes, tsm minimizes the number of tape
mounts.  So when a onsite tape is mounted, all of the data on that
onsite tape for all of the offsite tapes that meet the reclaim criteria
is moved before mounting the next onsite tape.  Since the data for a
given offsite tape is usually spread over many onsite tapes, tsm has to
work its way thru all of them before the offsite tape is logically


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