Hi all,

We have to expand our TSM-infrastructure. Today we have 2 * H80 (AIX 5.1), 2
* 3494 (each with 8 * 3590 E1A connected via SCSI to H80)
I would prefer to get 2 more AIX-Servers (6C4) with SAN-adapters and 2 *
library with 3592 (or LTO) adapted to the SAN.
But that is the most expensive way.
My question : is it possible to expand the existing 3494 Tape-Library with a
frame with 2 (4) 3592 drives and work with this part of the library from
another TSM-instance on another Unix-Server (independent from the other
TSM-Server). I don't want to share the drives between the instances, I want
to use the SCSI-3590-drives on one server, the 3592-SAN-drives on the other
I think I have to bring the Library itself to SAN (??) to have it shared.
But is then always one TSM-Server the Library-manager (master), or can I
define a library for the SCSI-drives on one server and another library (in
fact the same hardware) with the SAN-drives (3592) on another TSM-server ???

Thanks for any help

Chr. Pilgram

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
IT Department
Christoph Pilgram                       Tel.  +49 7351 54 4051
Birkendorfer Str.65             Fax.  +49 7351 83 4051
88397 Biberach                  Email :

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