4 more than one week I've been receiving the error code listed below during
my night backup process on MS SQL 7 (NT 4.0):

28-10-2003 07:58:40 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'MARTINI_SQLFULL' failed.
Return code = -1073741510.
28-10-2003 07:58:41 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 1320, errno =
10054, reason : 'Unknown error'.
28-10-2003 07:58:45 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 656, errno =
10054, reason : 'Unknown error'.

The scheduled backup completes just few databases but always stop on msdb.
The problem doesn't occur when I start up backup manualy.
Yesterday I upgraded the TDP client to the latest 5.2.1 version. It didn't
solve this problem.
What can I do next? Have u evere had similar problem?
Waitin' for some suggestion from ya wizards:-)


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