Hi Del,

any ideas as to what gets fixed by reapplying the SP?
I am trying to see if there's anything else we need to fix after installing TDP.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/29/03 08:39AM >>>

We have seen a hang like this recently when service has been applied
to the operating system. The fix for this has been to apply and/or reapply
the latest service packs to SQL Server. In most cases, this has been to
apply SP3 or SP3a to SQL Server 2000. I see that you are on NT4 and SQL 7.

So, you should make sure the latest service packs are applied to the NT 4
and to the SQL 7 Server. If the problem still persists after doing so,
please call IBM support.




> current vaules for commtimeout and idletimout are 1200 and 180. i don't
> think that increasing these vaules solve my problem. maybe it will stop
> writing in logs that kind of errors but please remember that i cannot
> up my whole database (ms sql) environment.
> log for that operation (for scheduled operations only) looks like that :

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